Herniated Disc and KST/Chiropractic Care



A herniated, or prolapsed, disc is a medical condition affecting the spine that may cause severe lower back pain. The bones that make up the spine – the vertebrae – have cartilage discs between them, connected by a gel-like tissue. A slipped disc is caused when the soft part of the disc bulges through the circle of connective tissue. (Think of a jelly doughnut) The disc does not actually slip out of place, but rather it bulges, causing a push on the spinal cord.

An injured disc can many times be symptom-free. However, when pain does occur, it is often due to the pressure placed on the spinal cord. This type of pressure can result in feeling muscle spasm, paralyzed muscles, disturbed feelings in the limbs, and even problems controlling the bladder.

How KST/Chiropractic Can Help Slipped Discs

A doctor of chiropractic will evaluate the area of concern and develop a care plan that includes chiropractic care to ease the slipped disc symptoms and facilitate healing. Chiropractic adjustments to remove subluxation (areas of disrupted communication) are proven effective for disc complaints. Using KST/Chiropractic allows Dr. Zach to work precisely with the area of concern, including adjusting the disc itself if needed.  The precision of KST/Chiropractic directs Dr. Zach to the exact location and indicates intensity and duration of contact.  KST/Chiropractic adjustments clear interference in the nervous system, allowing the disc the ability to heal itself.  Frequently the care in our office avoids costly  surgery and improves function of the whole body for the patient.

If you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Zach, contact us here.